Periodontal diseases are inflammatory diseases that affect the gums and other tissues that support the teeth. These diseases can be treated easily and successfully when diagnosed at an early stage. Although gum disease is a disease that affects the majority of our society; It is an insidious disease of which little information is known about its causative agents, results and treatment. Prevention or treatment of gum disease; In addition to protecting natural teeth, it also brings other benefits such as more comfortable chewing and better digestion.
The healthy gingiva is slightly rough like an orange peel, its border with the tooth is in a smooth line and has a pink appearance. Healthy gums do not bleed when brushing or eating.
What Causes Gum Disease?
Poor filling, prosthesis, coating
crooked teeth
Bacterial plaque and calculus
Tooth decay
Symptoms of Gum Disease
Swelling and redness of the gums,
Gingival recession and sensitivity on exposed root surfaces,
Black areas on the gingival margins or between the teeth due to tartar,
Inflammation between the tooth and gingiva,
Rocking, elongation, displacement of teeth,
Bad odor and taste in the mouth.
Gum Disease Stages
It is the first stage of problems that occur in the gums. There is bleeding, discoloration and edema. At this stage, the patient does not feel much discomfort. Bleeding may occur while brushing teeth. Gums are more sensitive. When you apply to your dentist with early-term findings, it regains its former health with a complete treatment. The first thing to do is to clean the teeth. At this stage, there was no damage to the jawbone that supports the teeth.
Periodontitis :
It is the advanced stage of gingivitis when left untreated. Microorganisms have advanced to the bone tissue that supports the tooth. Due to bone destruction, a shelter of microbes called pockets is formed between the tooth and the gum. These pockets are extremely harmful. The gingival pocket, which is very difficult to clean, is the site of destruction.
Gum and bone loss loses volume in these areas. Then the tooth begins to shake. Gradually, the teeth move. Usually they open up. Bad breath occurs due to infection. No matter how much you brush, bad breath does not go away.
Gum infection may not always give symptoms, regular dental check-ups are of great importance in this regard.
Gum Disease Treatment
Finding and eliminating the factor that causes gum disease is the main principle in gum treatment. This can sometimes be caused by crooked teeth, sometimes by faulty brushing or poorly made restorations. In my clinical experience, there are patients who apply to me with the complaint of bleeding gums, which is a common symptom of gingival disease, due to faulty dental fillings and tooth coatings. The amount of bone around the teeth is determined by panoramic dental x-ray. Pocket depths are measured by periodontal probing. In the treatment of bleeding, the first-line treatment should always be scaling and periodontal root surface straightening.
Patients with Gum Bleeding
First, increase your brushing. Make sure you brush your teeth correctly. Consult your dentist if you have any doubts. Use dental floss, interface brush and mouthwash if recommended. If you have bleeding gums despite regular dental care, consult your dentist. Make sure that every process you put in your mouth is done with high precision and using quality materials. Never forget that problems may arise even with careless and careless use of quality materials.